Thursday, June 20, 2013

Surfing Emotional Intensity

Here we are on the eve of the Summer Solstice - my cheeks are burning with fire and I've had waves of strong emotion crashing through me since last Thursday. They say the Solstice energies are felt 7 days before and 7 days afterwards, so it seems my timing is perfect!

The first thing I have to say about really strong emotions is that it is very easy to be fully present in them. Have you ever noticed in the heat of the moment you're not worrying about what every one will think of you or what will happen next, you're just completely in it. That's how I know these are intense energies, they have demanded my complete and full attention!!

I am, generally speaking, a calm and even-keeled person so it's fascinating (and somewhat uncomfortable) for me to experience these unstoppable waves coursing through me. Although I have to say my in built filters don't always allow the emotions to break without a little encouragement. I feel the general swell of emotion building and I start to feel what I can only describe as 'funky' for no apparent reason. It's such an intense and unsettling feeling that it sends me scurrying to pad and pen for the magic of automatic writing and then before I know it....    surf's up and I'm riding the wave! Whohooo!!!

The intensity of the emotions this last week has literally taken me aback - it's been a choppy week with anger and self pity riding high. As a high-empathy often times I can't tell if the emotion is mine or if it is originating somewhere else, and to a large extent it matters not - this is work to be done. So I've gone about my work with due diligence taking the necessary time and space to allow these energies to ride through me unhindered and undirected. These emotions aren't who I am nor are they in direct response to anything in my present environment, so as the waves have run their natural course I've ensured no one else was caught in the rip! What a great week of practice and opportunity for self revelation.....and we still have full moon to come ; )))

So let's not go for a wipeout, let's ride these waves together and have some fun.
Hang-loose dear friends, the sunset is Golden!!!

p.s someone has just reminded me of a youtube clip I posted at the beginning of the month that foretold of  ''superficial wobbles''...that phrase is still making me chuckle....superficial wobbles indeed!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Time to look again

I have just had the realisation that my heart and mind aren't quite as open as they could be. I have been holding old beliefs that have stopped me being open to see the change, the transformation that we are indeed going through on all levels. I am realising how easy it is to see the errors, the so called wrongs, and to stay stuck in this perception, allowing old judgements to cloud my eyes from seeing what is being birthed.

'Those that have eyes to see, let them see'.

So today I make a choice, a choice to release my old judgements and to look again, to open my eyes and see. I choose to focus my thoughts and feelings on the new potential and the knowing that all is in divine order.

What sparked my realisation was latest note from Patricia Cota-Robles ( It touched me on a deep level and I was very moved by her view of the significance of the new Pope, Pope Francis.

I felt a great sense of relief and of hope. I didn't realise just how much I longed for people to have a church that they trust, that will bring through the balance of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, that will help lead them into Christ Consciousness. We all need help. We all need to help each other. This is not a solo journey we move as One and the Church has a huge role to play.

The first thing the new Pope did was bow and ask for the blessing of the people, and then recite the prayers that would unite, the prayers that everybody could partake in. I had chosen not to watch or follow the new Pope, and I was wrong, that was my old belief structure closing my eyes to see. What a wonderful recognition that for we must move forward together as one, only with the blessing of the people can the Roman Catholic Church move forwards. I pray he has the blessing of his name sake St Francis and that he does indeed receive universal support for his request: 

"I Am asking all of you to help me rebuild God's church."

This year so far has thrown up many challenges, and at such a pace, with forced changes and old structures crumbling around us. Whether we like it or not we are moving forwards and it will serve us well not to cling to the old or try and analyse our way out of it, but to breathe the breath of God and to move without resistance into the new. We can all re-build God's church within us and around us.

I have a deeper realisation now of how important it is that we focus on manifesting the patterns of perfection by opening our hearts and minds. We must be the space and openness for change to manifest.

Today I choose to hold open the potential for the patterns of perfection to manifest on Earth.

Have a blessed Spring Equinox and may peace be with you,
Bari xxx

'I Am asking all of you to assume the role of protectors. We are all protectors of Creation, protectors of the Plan of God which is written in Nature. We are protectors of one another and of the environment.' Pope Francis