Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Making a Noise

I noticed this morning that I don't like to make a noise! I realised I was gently placing the plates on the counter surface, moving the pan lid with extreme care - in effect tip toeing around the kitchen. But why? I am in a beautiful apartment on my own, there's no one to disturb. My neighbours living upstairs are merrily calling to each other above their music, brushing the floor and generally busying around. So I can hardly say I'm trying not to disturb them. So again I ask myself why?

I am by nature a relatively peaceful person, and find I am becoming more mindful with time. After all isn't it appropriate to be conscious of one's footprint? Yes - but to be honest this doesn't feel like the truth of the matter much as I might, on first glance, like to think it is!

Newly aware of my pattern what is there to do, but sit and look closer - I thought about going into the kitchen and clattering pots and pans around, but ouhhh no, I'm not ready for that step yet!!!!

I have always been conscious of others and how my presence affects them, always mindful of their needs, trying not to disturb the peace. A behaviour learnt in childhood with an often times temperamental Mother. I was taught, by my Father, that the most important thing we had to do was to keep the peace, to keep things calm. Without much further guidance I somehow worked out the best thing to do was to keep quiet as other attempts always seemed to end in disaster. 

So what is it exactly that happens when we make a noise? Someone knows we're there, someone might pay us attention, they might notice our presence, might see us? In the past I have often looked on in horror at those people who play up, act to be seen and are somehow larger than life. Of course over time I've also realised that those who laugh loudest are often the ones who cry hardest too, but that's a digression for another day. It is this judgement of others that has previously shown me an aspect of myself I have been uncomfortable to accept (a shadow aspect, as we now like to call them) - the part wanting the attention, wanting to be seen, to be heard, the child within crying for attention.

Such a dilemma - the child within crying for attention, the child without being as quiet as possible not to be seen. And so it seems this childhood pattern didn't remain in childhood.

But here we all are trying to navigate our way through these amazing times of change and evolution.  I'm so grateful that these times support us moving through our old patterns, shifting us as part of group consciousness. We no longer need to remain caged and ensnared by our conditioning, our past stories, our learnt behaviours. We are free, we always have been!

As I share this blog with you I honour the child without, the one who never wants to be seen, who wants to stay quiet and keep the peace. I honour her for finding her voice, for learning step by step how to clash those pots and pans in life.

May we all make our noise, take our place and be seen as the Radiant Divine Beings we are,
Blessings, Bari xxx

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Universal Flow of Abundance

Yesterday my house mate was cooking dinner when she realised she had run out of limes, a necessary ingredient for her creation. She called across to ask me if I had any, and if she could have one. I had one small lime, so I happily gave it to her.

Today I went to the store to buy my groceries. The man was weighing all my vegetables and fruit until he got to my lime - he held the lime for a moment and instead of putting it onto the scale he popped it into the bag, looked directly at me and said 'that is for you my friend'.

And there we have it - the Universal flow of abundance, with such simplicity, clarity and beauty that I am in awe! There is no better teacher than life herself, no words more effective than direct experience, no initiation more potent.

If we trust that our needs will be met in the moment in which they arise, and we stay open to giving and receiving, then Universal Abundance will surely flow in and through us. It is Universal Law and our Divine Right.

Blessings unto all,
May there always be a lime when you need one!
Bari xxx

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our imperfections - the crack where light gets in

I've often wondered why I can perceive so easily the truth of others, why I feel all they are, regardless of the outer image they present to the world. I've even asked to be able to see more clearly the Love, the God essence in all, not their supposed imperfections. Why, I've pondered, would I be able to see their flaws so easily.........what use could this be?

This week I witnessed friends see and feel the Love in another whilst I was also experiencing his transparent flaws, and I was once again wondering what this was all about. How could both be true? As I reflected on this strange dichotomy suddenly there it was.....the answer.....so crystal clear. I can say it in no better words than the master himself, Leonard Cohen:

''Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in''

Suddenly I recognised it was the same thing - the flaw, the supposed imperfection was the exact point God was using to pour Light and Love through this man.

And when you think of it it's kind of obvious really! How many therapists have you met who came into their own practice by way of their own healing? How many recovered alcoholics and drug users go on to work in these fields doing tremendous work supporting others? How many spiritual teachers have you seen on stage with egos the size of the audience? I've often looked at great Masters & Spiritual Teachers and marvelled at the light and wisdom shining through them, even with apparent character flaws still in place. So it seems that what ever we have God works with, imperfection and all. And these im-perfections can often become our way to reach and connect with others.

Perhaps it is our willingness to surrender all that we are to the Divine, without self judgement or censor, that is important. Our cracks will let the light come in, if we Love and embrace them as part of who we are. In God's eyes surely we are all Perfect in our imperfections - for there is nothing that is not. So let's not waste time trying to become perfection, let's get busy fully embracing All that we are and let God's Love stream through us NOW. Who knows which of our cracks the light is just waiting to pour through!

                   Forget your perfect offering!

In acceptance of All that we are,
Bari xxx