Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New growth requires vigilance 23.12.2012

I trust we are all experiencing in these days what will serve our highest good and what we are able to be present with. As powerful co-creators of our own reality I'm also sure that what is presenting itself is doing so within a framework that is acceptable to us and that mirrors our own beliefs of what these times are all about.

Personally for me recent weeks of inner focus and stillness have translated into experiences that are beyond words, beyond tears, beyond gratitude. Of this I will not try to speak. However in conceptual terms, to facilitate shared understanding, I will say I am choosing to experience this through reference to the Grail and the Light of Christ within.

Whatever your framework it is time to open ourselves to the birthing of the new consciousness. Just as Mary & Joseph kept vigil over the newly born Christ, so we too must keep vigil over the birthing Christ Consciousness within.

As with all new growth there needs to be vigilance in the beginning! I was made aware of this need when after a very quiet and harmonious period I made my first tentative steps outside last night, to attend a social engagement. Full of joy, love, and a somewhat euphoric energy I went to visit some dear friends of old to celebrate these times. What could be better I asked myself!!! But then I woke up this morning feeling odd......slightly stunned.....wondering where has it all gone? Hmmm. Am I not worthy, am I not ready to hold this new reality, am I delusional, is it all in my imagination? What happened?

I take a breath, and start to look at how I'm really feeling and search the point, the moment when I went out of myself. I decide it's like learning to ride a bike, the first tentative outing held by a supporting arm, the slightly more solid ground with the stabilizers, before finally finding the perfect balance and harmony and whoosh ….....your off flying down the road !!! This too is a learning experience, a time of nurturing the seed within, of tending what is inside.

So what did happen, what took me away from the growing truth within? My first realisation was that I quite literally took a step away from my self and a step towards another, a step from inner reference to outer reference. Theoretically nothing wrong with why didn't it feel good? It didn't feel good because it was not without intention, without desire to outcome, without agenda. It was not a movement made from the wholeness and holiness of who I am. Any move towards another to complete oneself (to receive), to be recognised or accepted comes from a place of separation. That is an old pattern, an old behaviour and suddenly I realise it's not feeling good any more.

Now, there I am, already having taken a step away from self, in a social setting. Naturally I find myself in conversation with someone I haven't met before, someone who wants to know my story, to get to know me through my story. A normal social interaction we have been familiar with for so long. They wanted to be able to define me, perhaps to understand how best to interact with me – but it felt odd, strange, uncomfortable, inappropriate even. I am not my story. I bless, thank, and acknowledge my stories, they served a valuable purpose in my life to bring me to this present moment. But I can no longer be defined and interact through my story.

So it seems I must be vigilant to not allow old patterns to take over, not least of all because they simply don't feel good any more. I must nurture the seed within, tend to this new growth. I need to ask what would feed this growth, what would nourish me at this stage. I apply the vigilance I would if I were caring for a seedling - what care it takes to nurture the seedling into a mighty Oak, grounded and strong.

As we all learn to ride the bike anew, learn to navigate the practicalities, it is with vigilance, a commitment to the truth and to tending the light within that we shall grow.

Glory Be!

I offer special thanks, love & gratitude to Abigail, Grace & the Healing team for all the support, nurturing and nourishment I have received from our time together. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God-bless us all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Past Lives, Present (Introduction)

Imagine, if you will, a ball of string. A ball of string is really one long continuous piece of twine that has been turned and wound up into it's present form, a ball. And so it is with us. We are one long continuous consciousness turned and twisted through past lives into our present form.

That all sounds quite reasonable, logical even. By now most of us have come upon the concepts of life after death, re-incarnation and re-birth. Many are now in fact remembering their own past lives. But for me I'm having an internal realisation, you know those realisations that happen in every cell of your body, when the cells start jumping in delight because you've finally got it.

I'm only now realising just how much of our make-up comes from our past (or simultaneous) lives, and I'm a little shell shocked I have to say. So much so I'm left pondering what of me is actually of this lifetime, is it even possible that there could be anything independent of the other? Is every thought, feeling, response and belief conditioned by the previous, when do new behaviours cut in, new strategies arrive, and where have those supposed new strategies come from if they're now in your consciousness.

To be honest I've always been a little sceptical of people who say they remember their previous life times. Even if you consider the maths of soul aspects and over souls there are still way more people claiming to be the re-incarnation of some beautiful being than makes any sense. And there are many among them who seem more intent in being known for who they were, not who they are, something that always seems like such a waste of this life time to me.

However scepticism aside I've also been curious. In fact I've always thought at some point in time I would like to do some regression work, but every time I looked I couldn't seem to find the right practitioner or approach. So it was with some surprise the other night in conversation that I realised I have indeed been doing a lot of past life work myself. In fact when I look back over my travelling years I seem to have been doing little else really, especially over the last year or so.

Much of my understanding and learning has come in unusual ways. I don't have any personal stories to tell, no names and shoe size, no glamour and glory. I have my knowing supported by my body consciousness (and they say the body never lies) - finally they are getting my attention and the opportunity to release stored emotions and traumas I have carried through life times. 

Perhaps you will find some of my stories familiar, maybe you will resonate with the lifetimes, recognise the lessons and marvel at our inter-connectivity, or maybe your body is crying out to you like mine has been and you can start to free it.

“When you feel better as a result of a past life recall experience--whether a physical symptom has been alleviated, an emotional issue soothed, or you simply feel more confident and peaceful about your life and its direction, you don’t need to question the logical validity of the experience. You know it has empowered you to improve the quality of your life in a very tangible way.''
from Through Time Into Healing by Brian L. Weiss
In the coming blogs I will share some of my experiences, not to reminisce about the past but to heal in the present. Maybe you have some of your own recollections to share too!

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
Soren Kierkgaard
Peace unto all,
bari xxx

Friday, September 28, 2012

Support for Deep Releasing

Wow, we are amazing beings! It's truly awe inspiring to be part of these times and to be witness to the transformation we are saying 'Yes' to. We are tremendous, magnificent souls!

Hasn't it been just so intense! It seemed we were almost frenetic with activity especially around the Blue Moon in August. For a while everyone I met was presenting with the same feelings - overwhelm, confusion, old memories long forgotten re-surfacing, lack of clarity, sudden anxiety, and fear of the future.

There seems to have been an energy surging through us, pushing everything up for clearing. And we seem to be more willing than ever to deal with it, to move through it all and move onwards. I have been so impressed by the number of people asking for support, wanting to just deal with it and move on. It has been a time of great release, of letting go of old patterns, beliefs and emotions – life times of work. It's become crystal clear what no longer serves us well and impossible to continue on with things as they are. People are moving beyond polite, pacifying (good girl) behaviours and into truth, their own truth, whatever the cost might be. This isn't always easy, the birthing pains are strong, yet we are doing it - we simply know deep within that the time has come.
It's liberating, exhilarating even, feeling the movement, the momentum of so many people moving through things right now. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not enjoying the suffering of others, but rather I'm appreciating the shift that we are all part of. Of course none of these feelings are new to me - I've experienced anxiety, absolute confusion and felt utterly lost at times on my own journey. I understand what a lonely and all consuming place it can be.

It makes me wonder if we're going through things in waves. Perhaps certain groups of souls go through each stage at a certain point in time, and then they are the ones to help the next wave coming through behind them. It's like reaching a high platform and turning to lift the next man up, then as you look ahead to the next level in front of you there is someone there waiting to give you a helping hand.
Personally I have reached for and felt that helping hand whilst simultaneously extending my hand to others, and I am in awe of this process. I have been blessed to receive a lot of amazing support recently (past life clearing from the cellular memory, karmic release, re-alignment & re-connection) and have been equally blessed to be in a situation where I was able to offer support to others. We are  so well supported during these times, it seems as soon as something arises we are immediately presented with the support to go through it. How many seemingly random events or meetings have turned out to be just what you needed in that moment. It is like the help is set up and put in place before you even know you need it. We are blessed beyond my understanding. I give great thanks for this, for all that is unfolding, for All that Is.

May we continue to support and Love one another through our transition and beyond.
Bari xxx

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Flaming Arrow of Truth

After acknowledging in a recent blog 'I know not what I know' and contemplating the essence of Truth it seems that this was actually a hint of what was on it's way, a trail blazer, the prelude to it's arrival. For Truth has arrived - ready or not!

Have you felt it? Has it scorched your ear as it whistled through at high speed, or has it hit your life with full force and torn all asunder?

Truth will out. It has arrived like a flaming arrow and with laser like accuracy it is tearing through our lives right now. It's ruthless and relentless and of the highest order. Whatever is not in alignment with our highest truth, whatever we have not been willing or able to see and release is being pushed up to the surface, being exposed for what it is. The excuses we have made for ourselves and for others are exhausted. There is no where to hide, no table left unturned - we can no longer pretend and carry on as if we didn't really know. The serene swan who was paddling like crazy under the surface has been up ended, it's as simple as that.

Perhaps we did know deep down inside, but the reality was too much to deal with. The thought of moving out of the relationship, leaving the security of the job, moving home, moving out of what ever false comfort zone we'd been clinging to was too much to even consider on top of everything else. Maybe moving forwards into the unknown felt harder than staying. Whatever the reasoning it matters not, our stories are not required, Truth is quite simply moving through our lives right now and it is unstoppable.

We have had opportunities in the past to look at our lives, to bring ourselves into alignment and for many of us we seem to have been doing nothing else for a long time now. But these last few weeks are somehow different. The veils of illusion are falling like autumn leaves. Now there is no choice.

Whoever I meet and wherever I turn it seems that the arrow of Truth has arrived. If there is any comfort to be found in this it is in knowing that it is not personal (even though it might feel insanely personal), you are not the only one, we are all going through this together. Resistance is futile, we are all being called into a higher level of integrity. Like the crucifixion and the resurrection we are being initiated by Truth now. So as Truth burns through your old life, your old self, it is an opportunity to rise like the phoenix from the ashes and step forth into your Divine Blueprint, into your Divine Self, into the Wholeness and Holiness of who you really are.

Glory Be!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living Wisdom, Living Light Retreat - Glastonbury

This year I have been called to share some of the experiences & places I journey too. The first of these opportunities is in Glastonbury. I'm delighted to invite you to join me on this sacred journey into the heart of Avalon!

10-15th September 2012

With Bari Brown & Abigail Adams

This is a sacred journey into the heart of Avalon offering the opportunity for powerful alchemical transformation, facilitated by the Light and Living Wisdom present in the ancient sites of Glastonbury and surrounds.

It is an invitation to embark on a Grail Quest, a journey to the wholeness and truth of who you really are. As we travel the outer journey to the sacred sites so we will travel the alchemical journey within, the journey of the soul, for it is the soul that seeks the Light and Wisdom of the Grail.

Let us join together as One 
Embody Living Wisdom, Living Light
Step into our Holy, United, Whole Self

Glastonbury is referred to as the heart chakra of Mother Earth, the mystical capital of England, the New Jerusalem and is known as home to the Primordial Goddess. It has a long and fascinating Spiritual heritage; notable for myths and legends concerning Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail and later King Arthur and Merlin whose vision of unity, equality, truth, courage, and honour seem as relevant today as ever they were.

With Glastonbury as our base we have the potential to access this wealth of Living Wisdom at special energy sites including:
*Glastonbury Tor ~ a high peak spiritually & geographically. Where Joseph of Arimathea was said to bring the Grail Cup after the crucifixion of Christ.
*Glastonbury Abbey ~ 2000 yrs of history, romantic ruins, the legendary burial place of King Arthur.
*Cadbury Castle, Camelot ~ an iron age hill fort said to have been the site of King Arthur's Camelot (Camelot, a city of Light)
*Avebury/Stonehenge these ancient circles are a source of inspiration and awe, places of worship and celebration and connection to the stars.
*Chalice Well Garden ~ a spiritual and healing oasis. A sanctuary held in Trust, to ensure a sacred place to anchor the Christ Light when the time came.

The time is Now. Together at these power centres we can experience the energies coming through during the shifts of 2012. As we gather together to support each other and Mother Earth we will listen to what is being asked of us, individually and collectively, at this time. We will include regular meditation sessions and space for silence during the journey, for it is when we open our hearts to silence that we encounter the mysteries.

Meditations with Abigail and Grace
A unique and special feature of the retreat will be the profound and often times life changing meditations with Abigail and Grace. Abigail is the channel for the unique voice of "Grace," a feminine energy who offers individuals the experience of inner awareness, leading to a deep sense of peace. Grace is part of the workforce of the Entities of Love and Light. She's here with the intent to help you experience yourself without the distortion of fear; pure Love. It is with the help of Grace that we will provide you with tools to connect to, unite with and live by your Holy, United, Whole self.

Through the many trials of our lives, we have taken on energetic and behavioural patterns which come from a fractured self. Through a series of questions, energetic exercises, and guided visualizations, Grace and the Healing Team will provide the environment to connect you with those fractured pieces, unite those fractional pieces with your whole self, and witness your own Holiness.

Abigail Adams 
Abigail, RN, has been in the healing professions for over twenty years. For the past 8 years her focus has been the advancement of energetic healing and wellness coaching. With her warm, welcoming, joyful nature, she has a knack for aligning with people in a comfortable and engaging manner. She is the channel for the unique voice of "Grace," a feminine energy who offers individuals the experience of inner awareness, leading to a deep sense of peace.

Bari Brown
Bari is a spiritual journeyer travelling where ever she is called. She adopted the pilgrims path as a way of life in 2004 and has been journeying and guiding ever since. As a spiritual pilgrim she is well aware of what can happen when you travel with a spiritual intent and is expert in helping co-create a safe space for your journey to unfold. She is also skilled in helping you understand, process and integrate your experiences. Bari works at a soul level and helps others to connect to their own higher guidance and wisdom. She works with great compassion, sensitivity and kindness.
We will be staying in the idyllic Daisy Centre Retreat, right in the heart of Glastonbury. Although in the very centre of town, this B&B is a tranquil haven, hidden from the hustle and bustle of the many shops, cafes and healing centres.
Accommodation is on a shared room basis and includes breakfast. As we are in the heart of Glastonbury we will be free to enjoy evening meals in the local restaurants. Additional nights accommodation can be booked if you would like to extend your trip.                                                                                         

The investment for the retreat is £808/$1288. This includes 5 nights accommodation & breakfast, site entrance fees, travel from Glastonbury to the sacred sites, meditations & guidance. The cost excludes international flights or travel to get to Glastonbury.

To reserve a place call Bari on 01458 834587 or 07726 762656

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cathar Prophecy from 1244: The Church of Love

The last of the Cathars were burnt for their beliefs at Montsegur, Languedoc, France in 1244. But they left this prophecy: that the Church of Love would be proclaimed in 1986.

It has no fabric - only understanding.
It has no membership - save those who know they belong.
It has no rivals - because it is non-competitive.
It has no ambition, because it only seeks to serve.
It knows of no boundaries for nationalisms are unloving.
It is not of itself because it seeks to enrich all groups and religions.
It acknowledges all great teachers of all the ages who have shown the truth of Love.
Those who participate, practice the Truth of Love in all their daily being.
There is no walk of life or nationality that is a barrier.
Those who are, know. It seeks not to teach but to be, and by being, enrich.
It recognizes the collectivity of all humanity and that we are all one with the One.
It recognizes that the way we are may be the way of those around us because we are that way.
It recognizes the whole planet as a Being, of which we are a part.
It recognizes that the time has come for the supreme transmutation, the ultimate alchemical act, the conscious change of the ego into a voluntary return to the whole.
It does not proclaim itself with a loud voice but in the subtle realms of loving.
It salutes all those in the past who have blazoned the path but paid the price.
It admits of no hierarchy or structure, for no one is greater than another.
Its members shall know each other by their deeds and being and their eyes and by no other outward sign, save the fraternal embrace.
Each one will dedicate his or her life to the silent loving of their neighbor and environment and the planet, whilst carrying out their daily task, however exalted or humble.
It recognizes the supremacy of the great idea which may only be accomplished if the human race practices the supremacy of Love.
It has no rewards to offer, either here or in the hereafter, save that of the ineffable joy of being and loving.
Its members shall seek only to advance the cause of understanding, within whichever church, group or family they happen to be.
They shall do good by stealth and teach only by example.
They shall heal their neighbor, their community and our Planet.
They shall know no fear, and feel no shame and their witness shall prevail over all odds.
It has no secrets, no arcanum, no initiations save that of the true understanding of the power of love and that, if we want it to be so, the world will change but only if we change ourselves first.

All those who belong, belong; they belong to the Church of Love.

Blessings unto all,
Bari xxx

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Truth will set you free?

Will it?

Who said so, and who said that they said so, and how did they know? And just what is the truth anyway and where does it originate?

Welcome to my world. It's as if the ground beneath my feet has quite simply vanished, evaporated. I just don't know what I know any more. Previously held beliefs, based on my own perception of truth, just seem to be falling away. I'm questioning where all my core beliefs came from and there is no solid ground. And that's even before getting into relative truth versus ultimate truth, and dimensional realities.

I can't even be as clear as to say 'I know nothing', because maybe I know something, or everything, or nothing!!! And does it matter anyway?

Along with this void of reliable 'truths' I also seem to have acquired a sweeping sense of disillusionment with those around professing to be in the 'know'. With so many courses and workshops and new & old modalities springing up left right and centre, and channelings and mediums and healers...and...and....and...I simply can not get excited about any of it any more. There seems to be so many words of wisdom which aren't being lived by those speaking them. So much feels to be out of integrity right now.

So with a complete disinterest in all things external, I am left contemplating this groundless world within. And who said the truth is within anyway, and what if it's not? What if that's just another convenient mass held belief to keep us moving along, all in the name of evolution. And then what is the truth of see my thinking. I feel like I'm back to being a five year old asking...why...why...why!

I'm also wondering if this is what it feels like when duality starts to slip away, when there is no right or wrong anymore, no knowing and not knowing. We judge ourselves and others based on what we belive to be right, righteous, based on handed down wisdom we take as truth. But what happens when that all slips away, when we are not living out existing paradigms we know so well, what is the ground we walk on then?

I ask my Self what is there to do? Short of waking up inside the Matrix movie (which I would not be in the least bit surprised about), what is there to do? For now it seems I am to continue to chase after my own tail, with a smile on my face, and see where that leads me!!!

Offering Blessings from the void of my beingness, Bari xxx

'We sometimes know, and then not'. Rumi

Saturday, March 3, 2012

An unexpected moment of surrender

There are times when we have an experience beyond words, beyond our conceptual understanding of applied principles - a spontaneous moment, a God Moment. Yesterday I had one of these moments.

It was my last day at the Casa de Dom Inacio, home to John of God. My last chance to sit in Current with a few hundred others and be open to receive and share the blessings of the Casa Entities of Light, the blessing of God's healing vibration, the blessing of Divine Love. Before I went in to sit I put a prayer and a simple note in the prayer basket. The note was 'I surrender'. I wrote it spontaneously, I had no pre-conceived intention of writing it and no desire for outcome. Even as I wrote it it seemed unusually succinct for me, succinct to the point of brevity, but as I wrote it I felt the Entities response and a wave of energy passed through me - needless to say I added nothing!

Now the notion of Surrender is not a new one to me, rather, along with Trust and Gratitude, I see it as the backbone of spiritual practice. I am sure I have written many a note before to the Entities surrendering, but as each moment in life is a continual choice so too was this moment. It was the last Friday afternoon of a blessed 3 month stay, the end of some beautiful work and the day after I had had a spiritual operation. So with Trust in my heart and Gratitude in my mind I simply went to sit down and Surrender myself unto the Casa Current.

I found the right seat, closed my eyes and let the world drop away. Almost instantly the tears started to roll down my face and I could feel the convulsions of sobbing moving up through my body. Without words or a clear thought process I was some how bereft, in a state of absolute surrender, energetically prostrate on the floor in front of the Divine. I saw flashes from different time eras, perhaps my lives, perhaps not, but I felt the anguish of mankind's belief in separation, the suffering we have put ourselves through, our inhumanity to each other. It felt monumental. I was offering it all at the feet of the Divine, almost spewing it out as the sobbing continued coming in waves from deep within.

This wasn't some contrived moment of surrender, for this is not how I would have constructed it at all. It wasn't simply an opening to be God's vessel, to do God's will, rather it was an emptying of pain and suffering, a surrendering of that which keeps us separate. I was distraught, it felt like there was no where deeper to go, how much more could I prostrate myself on the ground - had it been a physical body experience I'm sure I would have been thrashing around on the floor like a fish out of water, a soul out of source, and banging my fists on the floor with the despair of a two year old.

And so I breathed deeply and wondered if this Eternal Moment would ever pass! And so it did, quietly, as if I had stepped into the slip stream of a river and was tumbling along before I even realised what had happened. I found myself offering a prayer:

Dear God,                                             
May my eyes see as you see,
May my ears hear what you hear,
May my mind think your thoughts,
May my mouth speak the words you would have spoken,
May may heart feel as you feel,
May my hands do the work you would have done and
May my feet carry me 'ere you would have me go'

I was considering each statement over and over, as if feeling bodily what I actually meant and checking to see if this was possible and had I missed anything out.

And I was somehow left with the understanding that we travel from Loneliness to Godliness as our Divine Destiny, and that everything was perfectly alright....... I had simply experienced an    unexpected moment of surrender.

In surrender, trust & gratitude,
Bari xxx

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Making a Noise

I noticed this morning that I don't like to make a noise! I realised I was gently placing the plates on the counter surface, moving the pan lid with extreme care - in effect tip toeing around the kitchen. But why? I am in a beautiful apartment on my own, there's no one to disturb. My neighbours living upstairs are merrily calling to each other above their music, brushing the floor and generally busying around. So I can hardly say I'm trying not to disturb them. So again I ask myself why?

I am by nature a relatively peaceful person, and find I am becoming more mindful with time. After all isn't it appropriate to be conscious of one's footprint? Yes - but to be honest this doesn't feel like the truth of the matter much as I might, on first glance, like to think it is!

Newly aware of my pattern what is there to do, but sit and look closer - I thought about going into the kitchen and clattering pots and pans around, but ouhhh no, I'm not ready for that step yet!!!!

I have always been conscious of others and how my presence affects them, always mindful of their needs, trying not to disturb the peace. A behaviour learnt in childhood with an often times temperamental Mother. I was taught, by my Father, that the most important thing we had to do was to keep the peace, to keep things calm. Without much further guidance I somehow worked out the best thing to do was to keep quiet as other attempts always seemed to end in disaster. 

So what is it exactly that happens when we make a noise? Someone knows we're there, someone might pay us attention, they might notice our presence, might see us? In the past I have often looked on in horror at those people who play up, act to be seen and are somehow larger than life. Of course over time I've also realised that those who laugh loudest are often the ones who cry hardest too, but that's a digression for another day. It is this judgement of others that has previously shown me an aspect of myself I have been uncomfortable to accept (a shadow aspect, as we now like to call them) - the part wanting the attention, wanting to be seen, to be heard, the child within crying for attention.

Such a dilemma - the child within crying for attention, the child without being as quiet as possible not to be seen. And so it seems this childhood pattern didn't remain in childhood.

But here we all are trying to navigate our way through these amazing times of change and evolution.  I'm so grateful that these times support us moving through our old patterns, shifting us as part of group consciousness. We no longer need to remain caged and ensnared by our conditioning, our past stories, our learnt behaviours. We are free, we always have been!

As I share this blog with you I honour the child without, the one who never wants to be seen, who wants to stay quiet and keep the peace. I honour her for finding her voice, for learning step by step how to clash those pots and pans in life.

May we all make our noise, take our place and be seen as the Radiant Divine Beings we are,
Blessings, Bari xxx

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Universal Flow of Abundance

Yesterday my house mate was cooking dinner when she realised she had run out of limes, a necessary ingredient for her creation. She called across to ask me if I had any, and if she could have one. I had one small lime, so I happily gave it to her.

Today I went to the store to buy my groceries. The man was weighing all my vegetables and fruit until he got to my lime - he held the lime for a moment and instead of putting it onto the scale he popped it into the bag, looked directly at me and said 'that is for you my friend'.

And there we have it - the Universal flow of abundance, with such simplicity, clarity and beauty that I am in awe! There is no better teacher than life herself, no words more effective than direct experience, no initiation more potent.

If we trust that our needs will be met in the moment in which they arise, and we stay open to giving and receiving, then Universal Abundance will surely flow in and through us. It is Universal Law and our Divine Right.

Blessings unto all,
May there always be a lime when you need one!
Bari xxx

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our imperfections - the crack where light gets in

I've often wondered why I can perceive so easily the truth of others, why I feel all they are, regardless of the outer image they present to the world. I've even asked to be able to see more clearly the Love, the God essence in all, not their supposed imperfections. Why, I've pondered, would I be able to see their flaws so easily.........what use could this be?

This week I witnessed friends see and feel the Love in another whilst I was also experiencing his transparent flaws, and I was once again wondering what this was all about. How could both be true? As I reflected on this strange dichotomy suddenly there it was.....the crystal clear. I can say it in no better words than the master himself, Leonard Cohen:

''Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in''

Suddenly I recognised it was the same thing - the flaw, the supposed imperfection was the exact point God was using to pour Light and Love through this man.

And when you think of it it's kind of obvious really! How many therapists have you met who came into their own practice by way of their own healing? How many recovered alcoholics and drug users go on to work in these fields doing tremendous work supporting others? How many spiritual teachers have you seen on stage with egos the size of the audience? I've often looked at great Masters & Spiritual Teachers and marvelled at the light and wisdom shining through them, even with apparent character flaws still in place. So it seems that what ever we have God works with, imperfection and all. And these im-perfections can often become our way to reach and connect with others.

Perhaps it is our willingness to surrender all that we are to the Divine, without self judgement or censor, that is important. Our cracks will let the light come in, if we Love and embrace them as part of who we are. In God's eyes surely we are all Perfect in our imperfections - for there is nothing that is not. So let's not waste time trying to become perfection, let's get busy fully embracing All that we are and let God's Love stream through us NOW. Who knows which of our cracks the light is just waiting to pour through!

                   Forget your perfect offering!

In acceptance of All that we are,
Bari xxx

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What makes your soul sing?

Yesterday I was sitting looking at a clear blue sky, enjoying a quiet moment. I realised after a while how my mood had elevated, how open, expansive and joyful I felt. So I got to thinking of all the small moments in life that lift the soul, that help it soar and sing.

My list of uplifting soul moments got off to an easy start, then it started to require more thought. But I persevered and suddenly it was like creation itself burst through my mind and an overwhelming array of images and memories came flooding in. For the rest of the day, long after I had put my list aside, random images would pop into my consciousness filling me with joy.

So I share my list with you. If this list doesn't inspire and uplift you try writing your own - allow the joy of creation to flood through you and be acknowledged!

The brilliance of clear blue sky                     Birds joyfully singing their praises in first morning light
The sound of the ocean                                 Feeling the warmth of the sun on your face
           The palette of autumn                                   The smell of pine tress
Jasmine garlands                                           A warm glow of a glorious sunset 
         Beautiful butterflies in motion                      Feeling rain on your face 
The Dalai Lama's infectious giggle                          A cats purr
   A starry night sky                                          The radiance and glory of a full moon
A rainbow                                                            Driving in the car with all the windows down
The Love in your Guru's eyes                       A silent night of freshly fallen snow
The joy of a sunflower                                  The first optimistic daffodils of of spring  
           Holding a baby                                              The smell of the earth after it rains
The touch of a loved one                               Warm home baked bread
     Impromptu kitchen dancing                           Dancing naked in the rain
Spreading angel wings in the snow               The velvet softness of a crimson red rose petal
A steaming hot shower                                   Lambs bounding & frolicking in the field
     The green of new spring growth                          Humming birds                                 
A warm summers eve with the smell of honeysuckle wafting in the air
     Feeling warm sand under your feet               The smell of freshly mown grass
Riding your bike down hill hands free and legs out stretched.......whoohooo!
A thunder storm to behold with lightning streaking across a dark, moody, night sky
  Snuggling back in bed on a rainy day                        Wearing brush cotton PJ's  
The glow & warmth of a log fire                         Candle light
Smiling at strangers                                         A conversation through the eyes  
           Paddling in the ocean                                      Splashing in a puddle
Being with Redwood tress                              Singing at top volume in your car
The smell of fresh basil & coriander                         Hammock time
Bursting with love for another                        Recognising the light in an others eyes
Dolphins spiralling at play                                    The sound of crashing ocean waves
Eating with your hands                                    Lying on a sheep skin rug
Relaxing in an outside hot tub            Floating in the sea on your back, looking at the night sky
         Being Free                                       The fragrance of fresh cut flowers in your home
Dark chocolate melting in the mouth              Yoga in nature
A ride in a rickshaw, music blaring, through a crazy dusty city   
               Feeling the pulsating rhythm of the drum inside you          
Standing on top of the mountain taking in the vastness and expansiveness all round you
                Listening to rain on the rooftop                        Playing on a swing  
Soaking in a bubble bath until you go all wrinkly
            Beholding the majesty & purity of a white rose
Wearing your favourite cosy fleece                Walking barefoot on grass
Having a snowball fight                                   An afternoon on the sofa reading a good book  
Getting lost in time browsing in the book shop 
Wearing your favourite thick woolly socks    Experiencing the innocence of a fawn
      Casa soup                                                        
Getting into a bed made with fresh clean sheets just off the washing line     
The smell and taste of freshly squeezed oranges
Girls movie night in                                         Receiving  a foot rub  
Walking in the rain                                          A long catch up chat with a friend
Mount Shasta                                                                   The mystery of a forest
   Christmas presents sitting under the tree         Camping in the mountain
Seeing the clouds from above                                           Feeling the presence
Being in the stillness of silence                 Drinking ice cold fresh mountain water from the stream
  Mango season                                                           Watching a loved one laugh
Watching a child's first tentative steps                          Holding a kitten
Playing chase with a dog                                                 Sitting by a river
The smell of Cinnamon                                    The velvet softness of  a sip of red wine
The smell of your  favourite incense                                     Watching seals bask on a rock
     Carrying an old ladies bag for her                    Fragrant hot steaming chai
Having your hair stroked                            Getting all wrapped up to go out into the cold
Standing under an exhilarating waterfall          Feeling the sea spray on a cliff top walk
  A walk with crisp autumn leaves crunching under foot       A masage with hot stones


                                          And I think to myself what a wonderful world!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

We are the Unifying House of God's Love

I am once again at the Casa de Dom Inacio (House of St Ignatius), home to the Spiritual Healer John of God, in Brazil. Visits here to Be and to serve have become a regular part of my routine over the last 3 years and I think of it now as one of my spiritual homes.

Previously my journeying has also taken me to the feet of Sai Baba, in Puttaparthi, India. I have to say it is somewhat beyond my minds comprehension how many wonderful beings/teachers I have had the good fortune to come across and be with in this lifetime. Although, this has also caused me to stop and ponder the often heard spiritual teaching 'pick one path and stick to it'. It seems, however, that is not my calling this lifetime - I choose to recognise the Truth of Love within ALL paths, and most importantly within myself.

That said, so it was that I was here, at the Casa de Dom Inacio, last Easter when Sai Baba fell seriously ill in India. Among the daily updates on his health was the reminder that Baba would not intervene where his physical body was concerned, for he was the Atman, the in-dweller not the body. He stated that the body was the responsibility of his devotees. So after a few days of reading the news about him and feeling the truth behind it I decided it was my duty to take his photo to the Entity (John of God incorporated), as after all here I was in a healing house of miracles.

I selected my favourite photograph of Sai Baba and went in line on the Friday morning. My request was quite simply healing support for his body, if that vehicle was still required on Earth (for who am I to know what is written!). Anyway the translator took my photograph and some what confused handed it back to me shaking his head in the negative. I wasn't sure what the refusal was for, don't be ridiculous he doesn't need our help, don't be ridiculous he's a Hindu....a fraud...or what. Anyway my resolve was set, so the photo went to the entity who as far as I can remember looked at the photo, then at me and handed it back to the translator. My job was done, albeit the outcome was unclear, and so I let go.

That afternoon there was an announcement that we were invited to hold a special current on the Saturday morning (a non Casa day). There would be no John of God and no lines. We were simply invited to sit and hold a current of Love and send it out across the World to all we knew.

Sitting with a few hundred people and countless entities simply focusing on Love was a breath takingly beautiful experience. During the session Baba was there, and I was left thinking 'of course - what else would he ask for other than we love each other'!!!!! So in my mind the current of Love was from/for him. When I came out I was overwhelmed with the feeling of love, tears were pouring down my face. Then one by one my beautiful friends came out, we simply looked at each other and cried tears of unbelievable gratitude. Finally there were several of us just sitting holding hands, hugging and crying, unable to say anything at all. The energy from the experience stayed with me during what was my farewell weekend, just looking into the eyes of a friend would bring the Love pouring forth once more. In my heart I gave great thanks to Sai Baba and the Casa Entities of Light.

On my return this year I was not at all surprised to find a large collage of Indian Saints & teachers, presented to the Casa by Ram Dass, now had added on the outside of the frame a small picture of Satya Sai Baba!!! And the framed picture has been moved to the very corner where I and the other women had gathered. It has now become my little shrine to Sai Baba and a constant reminder to me of our purpose - as One Heart to share Gods Love!

Last week I went in line to see the Entity to ask for help. There in front of me was a Brazilian man carrying a book of Sai Baba in his hand. I was quite taken a back to find someone carrying a Sai Baba book (although this is not a first), and that for some bizarre reason they were actually carrying it as they went in line to see the Entity. I smiled my smile. Of course when it was time for the spiritual operation in the afternoon who did I get sat next to...and when it was time this week to go back to the entity for revision, who was I stood next to....of course Sai Baba's messenger! It is always reassuring when we are offered outer confirmation of our inner experiences.

So I am again reminded I do not have to choose between one or the other, for All are One. It doesn't matter if I sit in Puttaparthi or the Casa De Dom Inacio, or where ever. The thread between us is God's Love, and no matter how chaotic the tapestry may look sometimes this is the thread that weaves the fabric of the universe, that unites us All.

As I close this I am left with a greater understanding that I am the unifying house in which God meets God, we all are!

One Heart, One Love,
Bari x
  'There is only one caste - the caste of Humanity                                        
       There is only one religion - the religion of Love
            There is only one language - the language of the Heart'      
                                                                                         Sai Baba