Sunday, January 15, 2012

We are the Unifying House of God's Love

I am once again at the Casa de Dom Inacio (House of St Ignatius), home to the Spiritual Healer John of God, in Brazil. Visits here to Be and to serve have become a regular part of my routine over the last 3 years and I think of it now as one of my spiritual homes.

Previously my journeying has also taken me to the feet of Sai Baba, in Puttaparthi, India. I have to say it is somewhat beyond my minds comprehension how many wonderful beings/teachers I have had the good fortune to come across and be with in this lifetime. Although, this has also caused me to stop and ponder the often heard spiritual teaching 'pick one path and stick to it'. It seems, however, that is not my calling this lifetime - I choose to recognise the Truth of Love within ALL paths, and most importantly within myself.

That said, so it was that I was here, at the Casa de Dom Inacio, last Easter when Sai Baba fell seriously ill in India. Among the daily updates on his health was the reminder that Baba would not intervene where his physical body was concerned, for he was the Atman, the in-dweller not the body. He stated that the body was the responsibility of his devotees. So after a few days of reading the news about him and feeling the truth behind it I decided it was my duty to take his photo to the Entity (John of God incorporated), as after all here I was in a healing house of miracles.

I selected my favourite photograph of Sai Baba and went in line on the Friday morning. My request was quite simply healing support for his body, if that vehicle was still required on Earth (for who am I to know what is written!). Anyway the translator took my photograph and some what confused handed it back to me shaking his head in the negative. I wasn't sure what the refusal was for, don't be ridiculous he doesn't need our help, don't be ridiculous he's a Hindu....a fraud...or what. Anyway my resolve was set, so the photo went to the entity who as far as I can remember looked at the photo, then at me and handed it back to the translator. My job was done, albeit the outcome was unclear, and so I let go.

That afternoon there was an announcement that we were invited to hold a special current on the Saturday morning (a non Casa day). There would be no John of God and no lines. We were simply invited to sit and hold a current of Love and send it out across the World to all we knew.

Sitting with a few hundred people and countless entities simply focusing on Love was a breath takingly beautiful experience. During the session Baba was there, and I was left thinking 'of course - what else would he ask for other than we love each other'!!!!! So in my mind the current of Love was from/for him. When I came out I was overwhelmed with the feeling of love, tears were pouring down my face. Then one by one my beautiful friends came out, we simply looked at each other and cried tears of unbelievable gratitude. Finally there were several of us just sitting holding hands, hugging and crying, unable to say anything at all. The energy from the experience stayed with me during what was my farewell weekend, just looking into the eyes of a friend would bring the Love pouring forth once more. In my heart I gave great thanks to Sai Baba and the Casa Entities of Light.

On my return this year I was not at all surprised to find a large collage of Indian Saints & teachers, presented to the Casa by Ram Dass, now had added on the outside of the frame a small picture of Satya Sai Baba!!! And the framed picture has been moved to the very corner where I and the other women had gathered. It has now become my little shrine to Sai Baba and a constant reminder to me of our purpose - as One Heart to share Gods Love!

Last week I went in line to see the Entity to ask for help. There in front of me was a Brazilian man carrying a book of Sai Baba in his hand. I was quite taken a back to find someone carrying a Sai Baba book (although this is not a first), and that for some bizarre reason they were actually carrying it as they went in line to see the Entity. I smiled my smile. Of course when it was time for the spiritual operation in the afternoon who did I get sat next to...and when it was time this week to go back to the entity for revision, who was I stood next to....of course Sai Baba's messenger! It is always reassuring when we are offered outer confirmation of our inner experiences.

So I am again reminded I do not have to choose between one or the other, for All are One. It doesn't matter if I sit in Puttaparthi or the Casa De Dom Inacio, or where ever. The thread between us is God's Love, and no matter how chaotic the tapestry may look sometimes this is the thread that weaves the fabric of the universe, that unites us All.

As I close this I am left with a greater understanding that I am the unifying house in which God meets God, we all are!

One Heart, One Love,
Bari x
  'There is only one caste - the caste of Humanity                                        
       There is only one religion - the religion of Love
            There is only one language - the language of the Heart'      
                                                                                         Sai Baba  

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